Nursing Home Neglect attorney Chicago
According to the National Research Council, it’s estimated that between 1 million and 2 million elderly Americans who are dependent on others for care, have been mistreated, exploited, or injured. In 2000, there were 472,813 reports of abuse in America involving adults and elderly people, but it’s believed that the number of abuse cases may be much higher than the reported statistics show.
As of 2014, there are 15,600 nursing homes in operation in America, which are responsible for the care of 1.4 million elderly people. When you trust others to care for your loved ones, or you put your own care in the trust of others, you expect to be respected, looked after, and treated with the correct level of care in return. However, every year, many elderly people are exposed to poor care and neglect, leaving them mentally and physically injured.
Nursing home neglect and abuse can come in many forms, but no matter the form, it can cause pain and trauma to the person being abused, and their family. All cases of nursing home abuse are serious, and they should be treated as such.
If you or a loved one has suffered abuse or neglect in a nursing home or facility for long-term care, then our professional nursing home neglect lawyers in Chicago, Illinois are here to help you stand up for your rights and make a claim for deserved compensation.
What Can Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Do to Help?
Many nursing homes in America provide wonderful care, looking after you or your loved one with a dedication that is worthy of your trust. However, not all nursing homes provide the same level of commitment and care.
In a recent study that looked at elderly abuse in 28 countries, it was discovered that 2 in 3 staff at long-term care facilities had committed a form of abuse within the space of the year previous to the study. It was also discovered that an estimated 1 in 6 elderly people had suffered from abuse in a community setting.
It’s hard to recover after such a breach of trust, whether your injuries are physical or mental. However, at William S. Wojcik, Ltd., our nursing home abuse attorneys are always on hand to help you get deserved compensation for the neglect or abuse that you or your loved one has suffered.
While there is no way to achieve full compensation for the injuries or fear caused as a result of nursing home abuse, the financial compensation that our nursing home neglect lawyers in Chicago can help you to claim for will assist with recovery without the added burden of finances on your shoulders.
The Oak Lawn lawyers at William S. Wojcik, Ltd. can help you with every stage of your compensation claim. We’re in our fourth decade of serving the residents of southwest Chicago, and in this time, we’ve gained substantial experience with all manner of abuse and neglect claims, helping elderly residents and their loved ones to recover from traumatic experiences in nursing homes.
The Illinois Nursing Home Care Act
The Illinois Nursing Home Care Act is the legislation that covers the rights and responsibilities of nursing homes, the rights of residents, and the general provisions that nursing homes should provide.
Under this act, nursing home residents are entitled to not be:
· Restrained for punishment or without strict consent.
· Restricted from having private communications.
· Given any drugs that are unnecessary.
· Restricted from following religious practices.
· Forced to change physician.
· Restricted from having visitors.
· Discriminated against.
· Restricted from sharing complaints.
· Forced to do labor.
Under the Illinois Nursing Home Care Act, nursing homes are required to meet a certain standard for provisions, such as:
· Maintaining suitable sanitary conditions.
· Having the right qualifications for care.
· Having the equipment required to provide care.
· Providing residents with the right diet for their needs.
· Offering adequate facilities, like heating, lighting, and plumbing.
· Providing suitable accommodation.
Not meeting these standards or not respecting the rights of residents, can lead to cases of negligence, where residents don’t receive the level of care that is expected of a nursing home facility. If you believe that your nursing home, or that of your loved one, is not meeting the standards expected and a case of negligence or lack of care has been the result, it’s crucial that you call a Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer at William S. Wojcik, Ltd.
What Can Be Considered a Case of Nursing Home Neglect?
Very often it’s problems with the amount of staff at a nursing home or a lack of management and training that causes nursing home neglect and abuse to occur. There is no single example of nursing home neglect, negligence and abuse can come in many forms, and be very personal to the victim.
Neglect and abuse could be a life-threatening injury, or prolonged suffering due to incorrect care practices. The neglect may happen over time or it could happen once, in both cases you or your loved one still deserve the right compensation.
Some examples of nursing home neglect that our nursing home abuse attorneys can help you to claim compensation for, include:
· Lack of a proper diet or malnutrition
· Physical abuse
· Bedsores
· Injuries sustained from falls
· Dehydration
· Infections
· Errors with medication
· Choking
· An unreasonable level of restraint
Often, depression, anxiety, poor levels of hygiene, or emotional behavior can be a sign that a loved one is suffering from poor levels of care in their nursing home. There may also be physical indications, such as bruises or scrapes, that show your loved one isn’t getting a professional standard of care.
Whether the injury is small or large, if you feel that you or your loved one has been injured due to lack of care or negligence, you should call a professional Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer at William S. Wojcik, Ltd. in Oak Lawn.
Who Can Make a Claim Against a Nursing Home?
There are a number of people who are eligible to make a claim against a nursing home for neglect or abuse, including a resident that is directly suffering as a result of the poor care. As well as the resident of the nursing home, their legal guardian is also eligible to make a claim against a nursing home in an event where the resident is not able to do so themselves.
If the abuse has led to the wrongful death of a resident, then their estate representative will be able to make a claim against the nursing home. If you’re not completely sure if you have any grounds to make a claim, then it’s important to seek the advice of a Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer at William S. Wojcik, Ltd., who will be able to help you understand your legal rights.
When Can A Claim Be Made for Nursing Home Neglect?
In Illinois, the statute of limitations period for nursing home abuse claims is 2 years, in other states, this ranges from 1 year to 6 years. There are some exceptions to the 2-year period, such as when the injury caused physical or mental incapacity, or when the injuries sustained didn’t appear for a long time.
Where possible, after discovering that a nursing home is acting in an abusive or negligent manner, it’s important to make a claim within the 2-year period. By contacting the experts at William S. Wojcik, Ltd., we can make sure that your claim progresses as quickly as possible, so that you stand your best chances of receiving the compensation that you deserve.
What Does it Cost to Hire Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers in Chicago?
Worries about the financial cost of making a claim shouldn’t deter you from getting the compensation that you deserve or making a compensation claim for a loved one. At William S. Wojcik, Ltd. we strive to make the whole process of claiming for nursing home neglect much easier, which is why we take care of all nursing home abuse claims on a contingency basis.
By working on a continency basis, it means that your Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer won’t charge you unless your compensation case is won, and you receive financial compensation. Concerns over the cost of hiring legal representation should never prevent you from getting help, and at William S. Wojcik, Ltd., we make sure that it never does.
What’s the Service Area of Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys at William S. Wojcik, Ltd.?
At William S. Wojcik, Ltd., we cover a large area in Cook County, helping residents of Chicago, Illinois, to get the compensation that they deserve in cases of nursing home neglect. Our experienced nursing home abuse attorneys can help you to make a claim if you live in the following areas of Chicagoland:
If you live in any of these Chicagoland areas, then you can put your trust in William S. Wojcik, Ltd., to make sure that you get the best legal advice and representation if you or a loved one has suffered from an injury as a result of nursing home negligence.
Booking an Appointment to Discuss Your Nursing Home Neglect Claim
Nobody should have to suffer from abuse, thinking that there isn’t anything that they can do to stop it. If you or a loved one has suffered from improper treatment in a nursing home, or you believe that a nursing home has been negligent in their duties, then the nursing home abuse attorneys at William S. Wojcik, Ltd. in Oak Lawn are the experienced professionals that you should call.
You can contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation with one of the experts at our law offices in Oak Lawn, Illinois, or you can arrange for one of our lawyers to travel to the care facility or nursing home.
We offer daytime appointments and evening and weekend appointments when required, so please don’t hesitate to call us at any time to get more advice about making your nursing home neglect claim.
Examples of Nursing Home Neglect Claims at William S. Wojcik, Ltd.
At William S. Wojcik, Ltd., we’ve had significant firsthand experience helping residents of Chicago, IL to achieve compensation for their nursing home neglect claims. We’ve helped a victim of wound care negligence in a nursing home receive a substantial settlement amount and made history as the law office responsible for the first State of Illinois closure of a nursing home.
The claim was brought about due to the death of a resident, which revealed a number of abusive practices and evidence of severe negligence. The first national conference to discuss decubitus ulcers, held in Chicago, IL, was one result of the case.
For significant expertise and experience in nursing home neglect cases, William S. Wojcik, Ltd. is the law office in Oak Lawn, IL to call to handle your compensation claim.
Elderly patient entered hospital for knee replacement. Surgical errors caused vascular injury and required nursing home stay which resulted in negligent wound care.
First Nursing Home Closure
Represented an elderly women who died due to the negligence of her nursing home caregivers. This case became the first case in Illinois to result in the closure of a nursing home due to the many abusive and neglectful practices exposed by the death of the patient. It also resulted in the first national conference on Decubitus Ulcers held in Chicago in the 1980s, the importance of which was highlighted at the conference in an address by then Attorney General, Neil Hartigan.